Hi, all:
Today we flew a total of twenty-two flights:
1 – 7)       The first seven flights were CAP Cadet – Glider Orientation flights.  Dan P. and Steve R. flew the CAP flights.
8)            Dan P. took the Iowa CAP Wing Commander for her first glider ride.
9)            Bob D. took a visitor for a ‘Mile High Flight Experience’.
10)          Steve R. took a visitor for a ‘Mile High Flight Experience’.
11)          Ryan K flew a solo flight.
12 – 14)  Will M. flew a flight lesson with Steve, followed by two pattern flights.
15)         Josh J flew a flight lesson with Steve.
16)         Bud S flew a solo.
17)         Will and Steve flew a pattern.
18)         Will flew his first solo flight of the year, with his proud mom watching.
19 – 21)  Rex W. flew three flight lessons with Steve.  Rex is a pilot for United Airlines and is working on adding a glider rating.
22)         Josh flew a second flight lesson with Steve.
It was a nice day for August.  There weren’t any thermals, but it wasn’t blazing hot or uncomfortably humid.
Frank towed the CAP flights and Bob D towed the club flights.
Thanks to all for a great day.