Hello, all:

It was yet another nice, early fall day. We decided it was far nicer to be at the airport vs. at home doing fall yardwork. There’ll be plenty of time for yardwork!

There wasn’t much in the line of thermals until late in the afternoon. The longest flight of the day was Jeff F and Steve R, who got in a 32-minute flight in the L-23 while Jeff practiced maneuvers for his commercial glider flight exam (but they were towed to 4,000′, which always buys extra time in the air). Today’s flights:

– Will flew two flight lessons with Steve.
– Bob D. put his Russia glider together and flew two flights in it. Here’s something you didn’t know about Bob – he can quote lines verbatim from the movie ‘The Big Lebowski’! I could write more about that, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing.
– Beth C. flew a flight lesson with Steve. Still no pizza, Beth?!
– Don O. flew a flight lesson with Steve.
– Jeff flew with Steve for Check Ride practice.
– Bud S. flew a solo flight in the L-23 to end the day.

The pace today was relaxed, with only 8 sorties flown. For the year, we’ve flown over 430 sorties, and that’s good considering we didn’t start flying until the 2nd week of June. In 2021, we’d flown 446 sorties by this date in October, but we started flying that year on March 28th and had a busy April and May. So, we’ve done a lot of flying this year!

The towing was shared today by Dave O. Bob D.
