Hi All,
What a beautiful day to be outside flying! We completed thirty-two flights today. Steve R, Frank M, and Matt R started at 9:00AM so Matt could get in ten quick pattern tow flights. Matt needs one-hundred solo flights to qualify for piloting CAP Cadet Glider Orientation flights. Matt took a break while Steve took a guest for a flight, and then Matt and Denise took flight. Matt reported that they found lift and thermaled in it, which he said was the first time he’s done that. I followed them for a solo flight, while Steve and Will M. finished Will’s IACRA application. Jeff took his 1-26 up for a 46-minute flight, which was the longest flight of the day. Jeff ended this flight with a precision landing (it’s a Bronze Soaring Badge requirement), which was observed by Jaime A in his role as an SSA Instructor. Jeff has to do three precision landings, touching down at a predetermined spot on the runway and then stopping within 400′. David L. took the 2-22 up three times, two with Steve and one solo flight, too. We launched Bob A. in the Grob between the 2-22 flights. Will M flew three flights with Steve today, and Ryan K flew four including a rope break. John H. finished his back seat check out in the L-23 with a rope break. Bud flew the Grob once. Steve flew two more paid rides, and then Jeff took his 1-26 up for another flight.
There was some decent lift most of the day, too. At one point, we had three gliders in the air at the same time. There were five gliders on the field, as Bud and helpers assembled his Discus glider. Frank towed all 32 flights today.
A great, fun day! Thanks to all for making it happen!
Tom S.