
Members pay a monthly membership fee, an annual Soaring Society of America Membership fee, and fees for their flying. The current fees are:

Membership Fees

Initiation Fee: $500 adults / $250 youths
(1/2 to your club account, 1/2 to maintenance fund)

Membership Dues: $45/mo

SSA Membership: $80/year

Flight / Towing Fees

1000′: $25 2000′: $35 3000′: $45

4000′: $555000′: $70

There are no separate charges for flight instruction.

Glider Rental Fees

L-23 (two seat): $20/hour

2-22 (two seat): $20/hour

NOTE: 30 minute minimum charge of $10. After 30 minutes, the rent is prorated, based upon the $20/hour rate.

Omaha Soaring Club Membership Application

To join the Omaha Soaring club, please complete this online application. When you come to the Blair airport, please bring a check for $500 (adults) or $250 (youths).  This initial payment is divided equally between your club account and the aircraft maintenance fund.  Your club account pays for monthly club dues, the annual Soaring Society of America dues, and flight fees (tow charges and glider rent).