The Omaha Soaring Club held its 2024 Safety Meeting and March membership meeting on March 9 at the Centris Federal Credit Union headquarters. 17 members were in attendance.
Tom welcomed the group to the 2024 safety meeting.
Steve reviewed some safety-related articles in recent issues of Soaring Magazine and introduced as a good source of information on managing the risks associated with soaring.
Steve and Tom reiterated that decisions whether to fly or to cancel based on weather are made using the best information available at the time, and intentionally err on the side of caution.
Steve led a review of our 2023 operations. The primary consideration is that our number of sorties, and our fleet of club-owned and privately-owned gliders, is growing. This has, and will, impact our operations and the procedures we need to follow to maintain a safe and efficient environment.
Steve led a review of the findings from Mark’s survey of the membership on safety observations and concerns. A review of these findings by the Board of Directors has led to these recommendations:
- No pets will be allowed in our operations area.
- We will implement use of a white board at the trailer for members to sign in on arrival and have an approximate place in line for flights.
- Based on this list, pilots are asked to be ready to fly, and have the glider they are flying prepared for launch.
- The Flight Operations section of the club by-laws provide for a Supervisor of Flying (SOF) role to assist the Flight Officer in management of flight operations. Will be begin re-implementing this role to improve the efficiency and safety of our operations. All members with at least a Private Pilot-Glider rating are expected to volunteer. Details of how we best do this, and appropriate training for the role, will evolve as we gain experience.
- We will attempt to add one weekday flying day per week during peak season to attempt to alleviate the busyness on weekends.
- Pilots are requested to always be diligent in awareness of other aircraft operating in the area and make frequent radio position reports.
Bob and Steve provided an update on maintenance in-progress on club aircraft.
- Bill is making progress on the re-covering of the Pawnee but has discovered serious corrosion in the horizontal stabilizers. A new set has been ordered. Completion is now estimated for late March or April.
- There is an airworthiness directive (AD) on the control bridge in the L-23 that requires its replacement. It’s an expensive part and options are being explored.
There was additional discussion about the distribution of the work required to make us a smooth and safe operation. It was generally agreed that there is a need for training on our ground operations to make sure we all understand what is needed. Tom will schedule this near start of flying season.
Steve led a review of the 2024 Safety Quiz.
Meeting adjourned.
Dave L., Club Secretary

Steve Addresses the Safety Meeting Attendees
The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:40PM.
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