Was a great day to get safety flights and currency requirements met. Whit flew with Steve Stevens for his safety flight then Daryl flew with Pat Greenwod for his safety flight and recurrent training so his solo endorsement could be renewed. Pat would take another flight with Daryl and got his solo endorsement. Anders brought out the Russia and completed 2 flights having completed his safety flight in Jan. Next Jamie flew with Whit for his safety flight and a great demonstration of a stall series. He has done this before. Jamie got in his 2 remaining solo flights as did Steve Stevens to all now be current with the 3 take offs and landings. In all we had 10 flights and Frank towed all the flights. Thanks Frank. Weather was beautiful with light winds nearly down  runway 13. We put the two runway system into play and it worked out great. Launched on the long runway and landed on the short runway. This will make the operation more efficient. Plan is to fly tomorrow also beginning at noon.

