Hi All of OSCI,

The threats for the day involved TRW, wind, wet field.  None were significant by a little after noon.  And another positive note for your Flight Officer was the presence of four CFI’s (Bob C.,Dan P., Whitt, me) and ditto for tow pilots (Frank – primary tow, + Whitt, Dan, me, for backup).  Gosh I’m glad some needy students showed up!  We started with three dual flights with 3000agl tows: Steve D./ Dan P., Don / Whitt, Bob A./me.  By then a pesky broken cloud deck at 1500agl had formed so we were limited to pattern tows.  Frank had been towing but needed to leave soon so I towed the last three flights, all pattern tows:  Bob D./Dan P. two flights finishing up Bob’s Flight Review, and Don / Whitt getting the hangar flight.  You may wonder why Bob C. hasn’t been mentioned.  He soloed the wheelbarrow and shovel filling holes so gets a gold star and a thank you.

