Clean-up Day – Polishing the L-23
Hello, all:
We had a nice turn-out on Sunday, April 14, for our Spring Clean-up. Thank you to everyone who showed up and helped. We had a crew of about eight club members working much of the afternoon filling dozens of varmint holes in our grass runway. Most of the holes were small (ankle breakers) but a fair number of large badger holes (leg and axle breakers) were also filled. More than two full loads of soil were hauled in the back of Bud’s mini truck and used to fill the holes. No one got a photo, but it was quite the operation. There was also a smaller crew of about five club members detailing the gliders. They were very dusty from sitting in the hangar all winter. Let’s just say they are all now sporting shiny, lemony fresh exteriors!
Additional news:
– The L23 still awaits a replacement Control Bridge that should arrive from the Czech Republic very soon. New seat backs are already in (a thank you to Jeff F and Steve R for the new seat backs), and new seat bottoms will arrive with the new Control Bridge. The L-23 will look like a new bird!
– The Grob is awaiting the installation of its transponder. We have the parts, so that project will be completed soon.
– Maintenance has recently been done on the Suzuki 4-wheeler. It’s running like new, and the fuel leaks have been repaired. A thank you goes out to Mark B for this! A second thank you goes out to Bud S, who has taken the Suzuki’s seat home for re-upholstering by he and his wife.
– We expect the Pawnee to show up any day now. We haven’t missed any good soaring days yet, but they’re coming, and we’re hoping to be flying when those days arrive.
That’s all for now.
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