Hello, all:

SkySight forecast that there’d be solid lift today.  It was a lie!  First off, there’s a lot of smoke in the upper atmosphere from the ongoing Canadian wildfires.  We never have good soaring conditions when the sky is hazy with smoke.  Secondly, the corn along the runway is probably ten feet tall, indicating that local crops are having a great year.  When the fields are full of good crops, there’s no bare ground for the sun to heat, so there are no thermals being generated.  It was another day of sled rides, despite SkySight’s overly optimistic forecast.  Today’s flights:

  • Bob A went up and came right back down.
  • Tom S went up and came right back down.
  • Mark B went up and came right back down.
  • Bud S went up and came right back down.
  • Steve R took a friend up for a ride and came right back down. I’m certain that it took longer for his friend to drive out to KBTA than it took to complete his glider ride.

I can’t believe what I’m typing, but BUD had the longest flight of the day for the second time this week.  Perhaps the end times are here!

We are planning to fly this weekend, but we are heading into a period with temperatures in the high 90’s.  We may very well choose to sit out these hot days while we hope for a cool front.  Meanwhile, could someone put Canada out?

Thanks, all!