Hi, All:
On a hot and humid June afternoon, beneath a clear blue sky, we flew nineteen sorties.  We also have two new members, Mike M. and Josh J.  Welcome to the Omaha Soaring Club, gents!
Gliders Waiting to Launch

Gliders Waiting to Launch

Todays sorties:
  • Warren P was up first with Steve R to fly his Annual Safety Flight.
  • Mike M flew a flight lesson with Steve.
  • Jonathan F, a friend of club member Sean S, flew FAST flight #1.
  • Ryan K flew three sorties with Steve R, and then Ryan flew a solo flight.
  • Warren took the Grob 102 for a flight.  This was Warren’s first flight in the Grob and he said he liked it a lot.  He found the controls to be very light and responsive.
  • John H took a solo flight in the L-23.
  • Bob A took the Grob 102 for a flight, and was able to climb to 4,500′, which was the highest altitude achieved for the day.
  • Dan P was out to do his Safety Flight and get his glider currency up-to-date.
  • Bud flew a sortie in his Discus.
  • Warren went up again in the Grob, and then had to head home to Lincoln.
  • Jeff F flew two short sorties in 1-26.
  • Josh J and Steve flew the hangar flight in the L-23.

There was a temperature inversion over the Omaha area today, and what lift there was, was quite weak.  The thermals were small and all but one topped out at 3,000′.  Cooler weather is forecast for next weekend, and we’ll look for better soaring then.

Dave O and Frank M did the towing today.

Thanks all for a busy and safe day of soaring.
