Hello, all:

We expected a short day today, but we ended up with a total of eighteen sorties.  Since it was a nice day with cooler temps, low humidity, and light winds, multiple club members came out who hadn’t signed up to fly.  There were thunderstorms that passed to the north and to the south, but they were never a factor.  We started flight operations just after 12 noon, with the hangar flight touching down at 5:38pm.  Here are the sorties flown today:

  • New member Mike M flew his second flight lesson with Steve R.
  • Sean S flew a sortie in the L-23 with Steve riding along.
  • Sean flew two sorties in the Club’s Grob 102 CS. These were Sean’s first two flights in the Grob.
  • Bud S flew two sorties in his Grob 102 CS77. His second sortie was 26 minutes long, which was the longest flight of the day.
  • Beth C flew a flight lesson with Steve. Beth shared that she’s joined the USAF Reserve.  She leaves for Boot Camp later this summer.
  • Eric H flew a pattern tow and a tow to 3,000’ with Steve along. Eric is a CFI-G who originally learned to fly gliders on a Blanik L-13.  He’s been getting familiar with flying from the rear seat in the Club’s primary trainer, the similar but more modern Super Blanik L-23.
  • Matt R flew five sorties in the L-23, some solo and some with his wife Denise riding along.
  • Jim D came out today and flew a practice ‘rope break’ with Steve along.
  • Mark B flew two sorties in in the L-23 with Steve along. The first sortie was a practice ‘rope break, and the second was a tow to 3,000’ AGL.  Mark’s third sortie was in the Club’s Grob 102 CS.

We’re planning to fly tomorrow, Monday, July 8 because SkySight is indicating there’ll be thermals in the area.  Although it isn’t a great soaring forecast, it’s a better forecast than we’ve seen in at least five weeks.  No Monday blahs for us!

Frank M did all the towing for us today.

Frank M puts the Pawnee Tow Plane Away for the Day

Frank M puts the Pawnee Tow Plane Away for the Day

Thanks all for another safe day of soaring!