Hi, Club Members:
Today was Oral Exam and Check Ride day for Jeff F and Ryan K.  DPE Tony C arrived in his Cessna 120 on Friday evening, and was at Skywerx and ready to go early on Saturday AM.  Jeff was first and spent about two and a half hours with Tony while they did the Oral Exam.  Jeff’s flight exam started around 11:45AM and consisted of three flights.  The first flight was a simulated rope break, the second flight a tow to 5,300′ MSL where the required flight maneuvers were performed, along with a covered altimeter and precision landing.  The third flight was a pattern tow with a tailwind landing.  Jeff passed and was awarded his Commercial Glider rating.  Ryan’s Oral Exam started after lunch (a thank you to Ryan’s mom for providing lunch for everyone).  Ryan’s Oral Exam was also approximately two and a half hours in duration and was followed by the flight exam.  Ryan performed the required flight maneuvers during his first flight, followed by a simulated rope break.  Tony released the glider at a higher altitude than what he’s done previously.  This required Ryan to burn altitude by flying several ‘S’ patterns just northwest of the runway.  This was a rope break variation we have never practiced.  I might have flown some 360-degree circles to burn the altitude, but per Tony, the advantage of flying the S’s is that the pilot never loses sight of the runway.  17-year-old Ryan passed his Flight Exam and was awarded his Private Pilot certificate.  Congrats to both Jeff and Ryan!  Congrats also to Steve, for successfully proctoring two more of his students.
We also flew a few flights between the Check Rides:
– Jonathan F flew two flight lessons with Steve R.
– Jose flew a flight lesson with Steve.
– Steve took Jose’s daughter up for a ride.
– Ryan flew a solo flight.
While waiting for Ryan’s flight exam to start, Jeff and Steve washed the smashed insects, oil splatters, and dirt that accumulated on the Pawnee this summer.  It’s probably flying much more efficiently without the extra drag from the dead insects and dirt.  Okay, maybe it’s not flying more efficiently, but it looks better!
Frank did the towing.
Thanks everyone.