Hello, all:

What a nice day to fly unpowered aircraft in Nebraska! It was a fun day, even though we didn’t fly many sorties. Today’s flights:

– Beth C. flew two flight lessons with Eric H.
– Jonathan F. flew two flight lessons with Eric H.
– Ryan K. flew a practice Check Ride with Steve playing the role of DPE.
– Bob A flew a solo in the L-23, which was the hangar flight for the day.

Bob D. came out to assemble his Russia glider. He’s hoping to get a few flights in it yet this fall. Sean and Jeff attempted to help Bob get the wings in place, and it was a struggle. There’s a trick to installing the wings, and we haven’t discovered what it is yet. They eventually got the wings installed, but by then, it was getting late in the afternoon. There’ll be other days for Bob to fly his Russia.

Dan P. did the towing today. It’s good to see Dan out flying again.