Soaring Report – Saturday, June 29, 2024

Hello, all: . Today we flew a total of 17 sorties.  We planned to start at 0900 with Civil Air Patrol – Cadet Orientation sorties.  However, those were delayed until a little after 1000, due to winds exceeding the flight CAP limits.  There was a total of eight...

Soaring Report – Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hi, All: On a hot and humid June afternoon, beneath a clear blue sky, we flew nineteen sorties.  We also have two new members, Mike M. and Josh J.  Welcome to the Omaha Soaring Club, gents! Todays sorties: Warren P was up first with Steve R to fly his Annual Safety...

Soaring Report – Saturday, June 22, 2024

Hi All, A busier day today with twelve sorties flown. We started off with three paid rides, flown by Steve R.  The paid rides were followed by Ryan K flying a lesson with Steve R, followed by Mark B flying with Steve R.  Steve flew a fourth paid ride, and then Steve...

Soaring Report – Friday, June 21, 2024

Hi All, It was another quiet weekday with only seven sorties flown: Steve R took Ryan M up for a flight lesson.  Ryan has begun practicing the maneuvers required for his Private Pilot – Glider Certificate flight exam later this summer.  Steve does a very good...